Poppin' the Cherry
Self-portrait. 9Dec2017
““OMG Ediomi, start the blog already!””
FINALLY! Starting this has been something I wanted to do for over 8 years. And yet for some reason I've had a major block when it comes commencing. "Who is going to read it? I already do the most so this will just be over the top! You're not ready, you need to launch EFIKOKO first (more on that later), you need to gather more content, etc. etc. etc." Man, 8 years is enough time to realize that is just negative self talk and my major goal for 2018 is to eliminate all negative self-talk. So here I am, sitting at my kitchen table writing my first entry and full of ideas on how I plan to embrace this place, create relevant content and shine my light.
Do you go through the same thing? How do you handle negative self-talk?
As I continue to be good to myself, treating myself extremely well, taking baths, laughing, all that yummy stuff, I've gotten clearer on my purpose and how cool it is to create exactly what I want.
- Step 1: Write, post and share my first entry. CHECK!