All My Love
“Thank you Most High for listening to my desires and immediately answering them 10-fold. ”
Dear You,
The high I feel from doing what I love abounds. It literally feels like flying every time I get to work with young adults who love anything related to fashion.
Today the hubs and I drove down to Delaware to meet my cousin who asked me to help with a fashion show she is planning. She asked me to give them tips and tricks on how to walk on the runway. Yes! How did she know that's what I love doing? I actually met her and her brother for the first time this past Christmas season when they stopped by with their dad. We didn't speak much about fashion but on the way out she told me she loved it and I told her if there is anything I can do to help her let me know. And she did. Head on over to to my Instagram stories today (or highlight reel after today) to catch some footage of my hour coaching session with them. I'm more than confident that they will rock it.
G stories today (or highlight reel after today) to catch some footage of my hour coaching session with them. I'm more than confident that they will rock it.
Y'all goodness overflows and exactly what you want is ready to pop off. Are you ready & willing to receive it, walk in it, embrace all the feelings, and strut in it?
With All My Love,
The Model Coach
PS. Their fashion show is tomorrow (3/28) and I'm hoping you take a moment to send the babies some good vibes cus you know how young, "never did this before" nerves can be. :)